We googled “bus steps” and Shure Step came up. We just bought a new bus for our 50+ program. We use the bus to take our area senior citizens on trips. The first step is just a little too high for some of them, so your step was perfect. We like it because it is 6″ high. Most of them start at 8″.
Editors Comments:
This is a more of a problem than anyone really thinks it is, helping physically challenged senior citizens get on and off of a bus. Most buses that take transport seniors weren’t designed with the physically challenged in mind. The first step to the bus from the ground is usually 12-13 inches.
After speaking with many of the directors of assisted living facilities, they have indicated that most seniors can only lift their foot a maximum of 6-7 inches without needing assistance. This is why we designed the Senior Step Stool to be 6 inches high, it also cuts the distance to that first step on a bus in half and makes it so the senior can enter and disembark the bus without any assistance. It was also brought to our attention by the directors that some of their residents have visual impairments, so we designed the a Senior Step in high contrast colors, yellow and black, so it’s easier for the seniors to see. If the seniors can see it, they can step on it a lot easier.
David C. Dupont