We have a bed with high mattresses, and of late, my husband has encountered mobility problems. He had been using a regular step stool (approx. 6×6″, with steel legs and rubber feet) to provide necessary height to properly get himself on the mattress without slipping off. However, one evening last week the stool went out from under him, causing him to fall on the floor. We concluded he needed something bigger (in area), and without feet.
I had seen step stools specifically designed for beds with high mattresses, and launched an internet search to find something appropriate. Alas, most of the items I found were what I would call fancy furniture, without slip guards, two step, and with feet. I had used the search term “high bed step stool” and “step stool for high beds”, but changed my tack and queried for “senior” step stools. Quite a few sites come up, yours among them, and I think Google keyed on precisely that term. After reviewing your offerings visually, discussing the items with my husband, and talking with you, I placed the order, as your suggestion (the Shure-StepII) seems to be what he needs.
Carolyn Grimes
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Note from the editor:
Carolyn has encountered a very common problem. When we get into our “Silver Years” it becomes harder and harder to bend our knees very far. Getting into or out of bed becomes a bigger challenge than we would like to think. Having a step stool that has a large standing surface and one that won’t slide out from under you is essential!! After speaking with her, measuring the distance from the ground to the top of the bed, she thought that the Shure-Step would make it easier for her husband to get into bed. So, Carolyn invested in one of our yellow 10 inch high step stools for her husband and reports that it is working well. No more problems with a sliding step and he can see the yellow step much easier in the dark.
David C. DuPont had invented the safest Shurestep step stool not for his own gratification but specifically to help people prevent unwanted accident like he had before while using unsafe crate to stand on. That incident pushed David to create a more stable, sturdy and safest step stool anyone could use. Visit his website for more info www.Shure-Step.com.
Yellow Shure-Step II has Smooth Top and with 2 strips of sand paper on top to prevent slip when on top. And is 10″H – 24″L – 13.5″W and weighs 8 Lbs.