Guides in Choosing a Safe Library Step Stool

School time is fast approaching now. And libraries will be filled with students once again.Have you ever experienced reaching books on top of the shelves with difficulty? Or even standing on a step that’s not safe for you to climb a little higher? Most of our...

We have a bed with high mattresses…Testimony

We have a bed with high mattresses, and of late, my husband has encountered mobility problems. He had been using a regular step stool (approx. 6×6″, with steel legs and rubber feet) to provide necessary height to properly get himself on the mattress without...

Father with Cancer….Testimony

I found your product on the internet. My father is older and has recently been diagnosed with cancer. He is quite weak and having trouble getting into my automobile. I was using a regular step stool but it was small and dangerous. Every step stool I found was not...

Why Should Seniors Choose A Safe Step Stool?

If you are considering buying a safe step stool for your senior there are several special needs that MUST be addressed. Most seniors have less than perfect vision, right? Some are overweight and/or might not have the strength to get up on the step stool if it is too...

Step Stool Load Ratings and Step Stool OSHA Ratings

A step stool’s load rating is required to be attached to the step stool with a permanent label by companies doing business with the U.S. Government for safety reasons. Or the step stool has to have an OSHA rating and article number for the specific industry that the...